Excelsor ScriptBuying options: Storm Type Library 7: 11000,00 USD
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Excelsor Script
by František ŠtormExcelsor Script is inspired by lithographically produced scripts. It is softer and simpler than, for example, engraved Splendid Script, because its designer used pens and lithographic needles. The graver for steel is held in a quite different way and this has an influence on the shape of the letter. Similar type faces were in use from Neo-Classicism until the beginning of Art Nouveau, when they were pushed aside by a completely different view of festive typography.
It has, in contradistinction to other scripts, slightly narrowed letters, which signifies a distinctive elegance without wasting space on the line. For practical reasons it was not possible to encircle the bottle with too long a label. It is, therefore, a suitable type face for labels.
Its two optical grades cover a wide range of sizes.